Division of vocational rehabilitation, department of social and rehabilitation services, functions, 76-12c01
Due process, teachers and instructors, 72-2252 et seq.
Educational benefits, dependents of deceased, injured or disabled public safety officers, certain deceased, injured or disabled military personnel and prisoners of war, 75-4364
Dependents of deceased, injured or disabled public safety officers, certain deceased, injured or disabled military personnel and prisoners of war, 75-4364
Dependents of deceased, injured or disabled public, safety officers, certain deceased, injured or disabled military personnel and prisoners of war, 75-4364
Financial assistance,
National guard educational assistance program, 74-32,145 et seq.
Director of mental health and retardation services. See Mental health and developmental disabilities, Commissioner of mental health and developmental disabilities, post
Dependents of deceased, injured or disabled public safety officers, certain deceased, injured or disabled military personnel and prisoners of war, 75-4364
Dependents of deceased, injured or disabled public safety officers, certain deceased, injured or disabled military personnel and prisoners of war, 75-4364
See, also, Kansas, Inc., this index; Kansas Statewide Risk Capital System, this index; Technology Enterprise Corporation, Kansas, this index; Venture Capital Company Act, Kansas, this index; Community Strategic Planning Assistance Act, this index
Children and families, Kansas department for, 75-530175-5310
City officers and employees. See Cities of First Class, generally, this index; Cities of Second Class, generally, this index; Cities of Third Class, generally, this index; Municipal Officers and Employees, generally, this index
Information Network of Kansas, generally, this index
Information systems and communications, division of, 75-4701 et seq. See, also, subhead Information systems and communications, division of, under Administration, State Department of, this index
Security clearances, state positions with information technology access, 75-3707e